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Job merken

Logistics Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 20.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Logistics Center Employees (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 20.07.2024 Obertshausen

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Job merken

Parcel Service Employee (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 20.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Employees in the parcel sorting (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 20.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Parcel handler (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 20.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Facharbeiter (m/w/d) für die Bandmontage bei Audi - mehr als 21€ pro Stunde

Es war schon immer dein Traum, bei einem großen deutschen Automobilhersteller Fuß zu fassen?Dann komm jetzt zu Audi in Ingolstadt! Hier erwartet dich ein überdurchschnittlicher Stundenlohn von mehr als 21€ pro Stunde bei Start!Das sind deine TätigkeitsschwerpunkteDu bist für den Zusammenbau und die Montage einzelner Baugruppen wie z. B. Cockpit, Mittelkonsole und Türen zuständigDu montierst...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Ingolstadt
Job merken

Warehouse Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco is one of the largest personnel service company in the world with exciting tasks and comprehensive service. Join our team at our customer DHL in Obersthausen.ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving stacking of parcels for optimum utilisation of...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Picker (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco is one of the largest personnel service company in the world with exciting tasks and comprehensive service. Join our team at our customer DHL in Obersthausen.ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving stacking of parcels for optimum utilisation of...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Loading Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Employee in the warehouse (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Picking workers (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Warehouse Logistics Worker (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Parcel handling worker (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Parcel sorting workers (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Discharge Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Shipping Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Picking Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

warehouse logistics Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

parcel sorting Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Parcel services Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen