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Job merken

Picking workers (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Warehouse Logistics Worker (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen

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Job merken

Parcel handling worker (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Parcel sorting workers (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Discharge Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Shipping Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Picking Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

warehouse logistics Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

parcel sorting Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Parcel services Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen
Job merken

Parcel Handling Assistant (m/f/x) 13,50€

Adecco offers you exciting job opportunities in well-known companies from a wide variety of industries. Would you like to change careers? Then apply to the world's largest personnel service provider. ResponsibilitiesLoad and unload packages of/into roll containers or loosely packages.Placing parcels on our parcel sorting systems (parcels on average > 31.5 kg)Space-saving...

Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH 19.07.2024 Obertshausen